Gorymdaith PAWB Wylfa Fukushima

Had enough on things as they are? Young people leaving and unable to afford housing, unemployment, poverty - there is no end to it! Why not look at things in a different way? Creating work, keeping money in the area, caring for the environment, creating communities that are resilient and are good places to live. Build from the foundations of our communities. There's plenty to make you think here!

We in Gwynedd and Anglesey can learn from some of our communities here and from others around the world who support their own people. Start with one project and then build in stages. It is a model that can work!

You can see what’s happening already, and imagine how much better things would be with real support from Councils and Government. Read on here!

Do you want to contribute to the conversation? It would be good to hear from you. Our focus is Gwynedd and Anglesey, but you can also contact us from other areas. Your community may be taking action - let us know, and share your experiences. You may be an individual, or part of a community or voluntary group in your community - let us know.


Who and what are we?
  • People who have faith in our communities in Gwynedd and Môn.
  • All of us are active in one way or another within our communities.
  • People who believe that the Foundational Community can be the basis for a prosperous future.

Why are we taking action?
  • We believe that community is important to people.
  • We know that community ventures succeed.
  • We believe in multiplying community ventures to create healthy, resilient communities.
  • We believe that it is possible to retain money within communities.
  • We are saddened by the effects of savage cuts from Governments and Councils
  • We seek ways to overcome the problems facing the High Street.
  • We want our youngsters to be able to work in their localities in houses they can afford.
  • We wish to see the fight against climate change given top priority.
  • We don’t believe in the old dogma of expecting salvation from large companies.
  • We don’t want to see public resources wasted on the same old strategy.

What are we trying to do?
  • Show people the value of community as a basis for the future.
  • Show how we locally can take advantage of innovative ideas from the rest of Wales and the rest of the world.
  • Show how the capitalism on offer to save us has in fact failed abysmally on many levels.
  • Show how communities can think creatively and differently to regain local control.
  • Show how the official plans don’t give adequate answers.
  • Show politicians how they can support our communities much more effectively.
  • Start a constructve conversation with everybody who has an interest in the flourishing of our communities, and

    suggest ways of learning from one another.

Can you contribute to the conversation?

Yes! If you’re an individual or interested organisation please contract us by e-mail.

SAIL: the Welsh word for BASIS (say ‘aisle’ with ‘s’ in front!)